Photo by Federico Beccari
Anxious, overwhelmed, stuck, depressed, triggered because of unprocessed traumatic material in your brain and nervous system?..These experiences are states in our neural and physiological map (most significantly THE NERVOUS SYSTEM). Without consciously taking steps to heal the trauma map, the map will not change. That neural map needs reworking, rewiring, and relearning. One way you can do this, one way I do this, is by noticing the pattern in my physiology, witnessing it, and offering it my presence so it can shift.
Remember, radical compassion for what we are feeling and experiencing can feedback to our physiology, leaving a profound and lasting shift. The physiological feedback loop created by the compassionate witness will create more space so the state (or big uncomfortable feeling) has space to shift, change, and develop beyond the normal imprint. Think about it this way, I have a feeling and when I'm critical, judgmental, or shaming myself because of said feeling that is only going to add fodder to the flame. What fires together wires together.
Alternatively, I have said feeling and I compassionately witness this anxiety, overwhelm, stress, etc., then I am actually allowing space to open up in my physiology for new, more adaptive connections to be created.

New Connections equals New States of Feeling, Being, + Behaving
New connections means more data available, which equals more choice and agency, and alas--less helpless, hopeless, and less of the dreaded powerless. All of which underpin the anxious, depressed, overwhelmed, stressed feelings you experience. We have to break that cycle up somehow, and beating yourself up about it is actually quite counterproductive.
Now that is a lot of science-y ways to describe one way you and I can change. Another way that gets underneath these stuck physiological imprints is Hypnotherapy.
There are a lot of misconceptions around hypnotherapy, but did you know that those myths typically stem from what’s known as ‘stage hypnosis,’ which is vastly different from therapeutic hypnotherapy?
Hypnotherapy is an evidence-based therapeutic modality
Recently research has been lifting the veil of mystery to demystify, and illuminate the psychological and neurological foundations of hypnotherapy, supporting its efficacy and effectiveness in treating a wide range of mental health issues.

Photo by julien Tromeur
At its most basic foundation, hypnotherapy is a type of psychotherapy that utilizes guided visualization, relaxation techniques, and focused concentration to achieve heightened states of awareness, also known as a trance state. This allows you to gain access to your subconscious mind, which comprises 90-95% of your brain. During this state, you are empowered to fully turn your attention and focus inward, gaining access to resources and resilience to make the changes you desire in your life.
Because the mind and body are interconnected, hypnotherapy enables your critical conscious mind (which only comprises 5-10% of your brain) to access the subconscious mind and initiate deep psychological changes. This process rewires neural connections and networks (also known as neural plasticity), creating new thought and behavior pathways, to support changes in thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors. Bam, here it is again, new connections equals new thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors.
Hypnotherapy is a powerful evidence-based modality that can support you to:
Alleviate anxiety, stress, fears, and phobias
Improve sleep quality
Resolve chronic pain
Increase self-confidence and self-esteem
Reduce or alleviate symptoms of depression
Improve overall well-being
If you’re ready to embark upon a journey toward vibrant health, radiant aliveness, joy, ease, prosperity, self-love, contact Me, Grace Willow to schedule your online hypnotherapy session today.
For the smokers in the room, I have spots available in my 6 week smoking cessation hypnotherapy group open now! This group is not offered anywhere else (as far as I can tell) and is specifically designed for smoking cessation using hypnotherapy. Read more about the group and express interest here: 6 Week Smoking Cessation Hypnotherapy Group
You are more than worth it.

Contact me for a Free Discovery Call today!
with support and care,
Grace Willow
LPCC Somatic Psychotherapist and Certified Hypnotherapist
Alizamar, A., Ifdil, I., Fadli, R. P., Erwinda, L., Zola, N., Churnia, E., Bariyyah, K., Refnadi, R., & Rangka, I. B. (2018). The Effectiveness of Hypnotherapy in Reducing Stress Levels. Addictive Disorders & Their Treatment, 17(4), 191–195. https://doi.org/10.1097/adt.0000000000000140
Cummins, E. (2022, April 28). How Hypnosis Works, According to Science. Time. https://time.com/6171844/how-hypnosis-works/
Williamson, A. (2019). What is hypnosis and how might it work? Palliative Care: Research and Treatment, 12(1), 117822421982658. https://doi.org/10.1177/1178224219826581